About Us
Meetings are currently held on third Tuesdays (except June and December) at Casa Chapala's Austin location, 9041 Research Blvd. #100 (Hwy 183 and Burnet Rd.) Meetings are free and open to the public. Please join us!
Our Mission
The Travis County Archeological Society is made up of individuals committed to understanding the Texas past through the study of the material evidence (e.g., artifacts) that people left behind. Some TvCAS members are professional archeologists, but archeology is a hobby -- or a calling -- for most of us. Members live throughout Austin and the five-county capital area.
The Society was founded in 1959. As stated in our bylaws, our purpose is "to encourage the archeological education of the membership and the public through the conservation, study, interpretation, and publication of evidences of prehistory and history, especially in Travis County and vicinity, by promoting the scientific study of archeology in accordance with any applicable laws and with the ethical standards stated in these Bylaws."
The EIN for TvCAS is: 74-6075218
2023 Officers & Committee/Activity Chairs
President - Nick Morgan
Vice-President - Chris Lintz
Secretary - Heather Leonard
Treasurer - Caitlin Gulihur
Board Member at Large - Ken Headrick
Field Committee - Nick Morgan
Communications Committee - Leslie Bush