May 18, 2021

The Travis County Archeological Society met on May 18, 2021 at 7pm via Zoom. President Nick Morgan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Secretary Imogene Mitcham read the minutes of the April 20, 2021 meeting. There were no corrections. Nick asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Leslie Bush made the motion and Elliot Richmond seconded. The motion carried, and the minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Caitlin Gulihur gave the Treasurer’s report. A motion to accept the report as read was made by Robin Matthews, and Elliot Richmond seconded.


Nick mentioned that the new budget is on the website. He said we need to add an additional $500 to help cover expenses of the discretionary funds. He said that Ken Headrick is doing improvements on the equipment trailer and we need to reimburse his materials. We should vote to approve the $500. Leslie mentioned we need to have everyone look at the budget again on the website. Caitlin put the budget on the screen so everyone could look at it. Nick asked if there were any comments or questions. There were none. He asked for a motion to accept the budget. Robin made the motion. Elliot seconded.


Nick said that Heather Leonard had an announcement to make. She finished her masters degree on Saturday. She is starting another graduate program in Scotland. Everyone congratulated her.


Leslie said she just received an email from Stephanie McDougal who was offering to fill in for the speaker who could not be there due to a death in the family. Everyone agreed to have Leslie reply and ask Stephanie to do the program. Stephanie gave the program on German Dance Halls in Texas.


After the program, Nick thanked Stephanie for an enlightening program and for filling in. Following the program there were questions. Ron Ralph invited Stephanie to the upcoming Field School in Kerrville Texas in June 2021. Nick asked if any more business. There was none. He adjourned the meeting at 8:22pm. There were 25 in attendance.


Respectfully submitted,

Imogene Mitcham