Board Meeting, November 18, 2024

The Board Meeting Commenced at 7 PM via Zoom. Officers in attendance were Nick, Leslie, Caitlin, Lori, and Heather.


Pat Mercado has volunteered to host next month’s Christmas party with a date to be determined.


We discussed the current officer positions. Nick volunteered to continue on as president but will also post on the TvCAS Facebook page in case anyone else is interested in running. Heather is also moving soon, so we will need a new secretary to take over in February. Caitlin agreed to stay on as Treasurer. Leslie suggested her title change to Program Chair with more clearly defined tasks and Lori taking on some tasks as well.


We discussed a follow-up date for the artefacts recovered from Moore-Hancock Site to do lab work. Nick and Leslie discussed logistics between them for processing the lab work. Nick said we’ll see what kind of interest there is at the monthly meeting tomorrow in putting together an experienced lab team so the work can be done quickly. It will probably be on a weekend in January, possibly the 11th. Nick said he can return the drying rack on loan from Aina Dodge back to her.  


The meeting concluded at 7:13 PM.