January 11, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Nick Morgan at 6:59pm.
Vice-President Doris Hill introduced two new members. Nick announced that on Feb. 18th, there would be a Boy Scout group going to Joyful Horse site to earn some of the requirements for their Archeology Merit Badge.
Secretary Robin Matthews read the minutes from the November meeting and these were approved by a motion by Elliott Richmond and second by Imogene
Jonelle Chapman gave the Treasurer's Report and it was accepted as read.
Nick led discussion about finding a place to meet in Central or North Austin. The pros and cons of one restaurant was discussed. Nick explained how to vote on this matter and that these would be counted and announced at the next meeting.
Kay Killen, Nomination Committee Chairperson, announced the slate of officers, which is:
President: Nick Morgan
V-Pres.: Doris Hill
Secretary: Robin Matthews
Treasurer: Jonelle Chapman
Member-at-Large: Ken Hedrick
The slate was approved by a voice vote of the members present.
Leslie Bush will also serve as the Communication Chairperson and was appointed by President Morgan.
Pat Hatten, mentioned that there was a Caddo water vessel found at a site near San Saba. This is the first one of these found in Central Texas.
Jonelle announced that she received a nice thank you know from Marie Archambeau, TAS Executive Director, thanking TvCAS for our donation.
Lila Rakoczy, Texas Historical Commission Military Sites Coordinator, made an excellent presentation about "Destructionology"....aka, How To Destroy A Castle With or Without Gunpowder."
There were 29 people in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.
Submitted by Secretary Robin Matthews