September 15, 2020
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Nick announced that the October 20, 2020 program would be on a cemetery discovered on the old Imperial Sugar property now owned by the Fort Bend Independent School District. Ron Ralph, Reign Clark, and Catrina Whitley will be giving the program. Ron Ralph, present at this meeting, shared that historians have identified the names of 78 people believed to have been buried in the cemetery. Dr. Whitley's bioarcheological work and DNA analysis by the University of Connecticut should make it possible to name particular individuals.
There were no announcements from the floor. Nick introduced the speaker, Jenny McWilliams, Cemetery Preservation Program Coordinator for the Texas Historical Commission, who shared an enlightening program entitled, "Identify, Locate, and Record Lost Cemeteries".
There were 22 connections to the Zoom meeting, of which at least three included two participants for a total of at least 25 people present.