March 8, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Nick Morgan at 7:00pm. Jonelle Chapman gave the

Treasurer's Report. Nick read the minutes of the last meeting that he took in the absence of

Secretary Robin Matthews. Doris Hill moved approval of both reports, seconded by Kay Killan (or

Kathy Richmond).

Vice-President Doris Hill introduced three visitors and they were welcomed with applause from

those present.

Leslie Bush, Chairperson of the Communications Committee, reminded everyone of the upcoming

Archeobotany Academy in Alpine and mentioned an upcoming meeting of the Native Plant

Society of Texas.

Steve Davis, gave a short presentation of a project that he, and others of the Texas Historical

Commission, are doing which will result in a statewide survey which will establish procedures to

categorize gunflints. This will also result in a data base that will be cloud accessible.

Elton Prewitt was presented an "Honorary Membership" in TvCAS and was given a handsome

certificate designed by Ann and Robin Matthews. The certificate was officially presented to Elton

by President Nick Morgan. A copy of the certificate was placed on the TvCAS website by Leslie


Leslie Bush read the astonishing biography of Elton.

The main program was a presentation by Elton Prewitt on "Projectile Point Morphology". He is

establishing a process to categorize projectile points which will result in statewide data bank.

There were 36 people in attendance.