October 18, 2022
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Nick encouraged everyone to record their presence on the sign-in sheet. 27 people attended in person with additional people present via Zoom.
Treasurer Caitlin Gulihur gave the Treasurer's Report. Elliot Richmond made a motion to approve, and Bob Ward seconded. Caitlin noted that many people have not yet paid membership dues this year and encouraged everyone to pay up. Dues are paid on a calendar year basis. Dues paid between now and the end of 2022 will count for 2023 as well.
Ken Headrick gave a toast in honor of his 79th birthday this week.
Nick passed along a volunteer request from Chris Meis, of the Local Arrangements Committee for this weekend's TAS Annual Meeting in Tyler, Texas. He needs people to keep time during the paper sessions. Members were encouraged to contact Nick and/or Chris to volunteer.
Jim Schmidt reminded members about the Texas Historical Commission Archeology Month Fair at the French Legation on October 29th. Members are encouraged to attend and volunteer if they can.
Nick introduced the October speaker Doug Boyd, who gave a presentation entitled, "It Ain't in Your History Textbooks: African-American Blacksmiths on the Texas Frontier". After the question period was over, Nick announced that Chris Lintz will speak on, "Stone Caches of the Southern Plains" at our November meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.