January 17, 2023
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7pm. Caitlin Gulihur read the Treasurer's report. Doug Boyd moved to approve the report, and Jim Schmidt seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Nick Morgan read the minutes from the December 9, 2022 Board Meeting. An increase in membership dues is proposed to cover the costs of offering payment online and/or by credit card in person. There was also discussion of a proposal to provide $5,000 in scholarships to encourage young people to attend the Texas Archeological Society Annual Meeting that TCAS will host in San Marcos October 6-8, 2023. In response to questions, Nick stated that the scholarships would support university students, including students at community colleges. They would cover registration and lodging. Scholarship recipients would give a presentation at the meeting. Approximately nine or ten scholarships could be offered at the proposed amount. Vicki Roberts of San Marcos would be the liaison to colleges and universities regarding the scholarships. Nick will encourage further discussion of the scholarships on the TCAS Facebook page. Michael Talbot moved to approve the minutes of the Board Meeting, and Milton Bell seconded.
Nick announced that all current Board members have agreed to continue in their roles for 2023. He solicited nominations from the floor. There were none. Doug Boyd moved to accept the Board slate, and Jean Hughes seconded.
Nick called for more volunteers for the TAS Annual Meeting, especially people willing to serve as Chairs for Publicity, the Silent Auction, and the Book Room. Volunteers for any roles or tasks are welcome, no matter how small. Please contact Nick to volunteer.
Nick announced that artifact processing for the Joyful Horse Site will continue on Saturday, January 28th at Ken Headrick's house. Leslie Bush announced that TCAS members will visit the Fort Worth Museum of History and Science on Saturday, February 4th. She also encouraged people to sign up for the TAS Rock Art Academy in El Paso on February 24-26.
The business portion of the meeting concluded at 7:20pm. Dr. Robert Lassen gave a well-received presentation on "The Crane Dune Site (41CR61), a Prehistoric Habitation, Lithic Cache, and Burial Site in Crane County, Texas." More than 30 attended in person with additional people joining or attempting to join via Zoom. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.