September 18, 2018

Vice President Doris Hill called the meeting to order at 7pm at Cafe Express. 

Treasurer Jonelle Chapman read the Treasurer’s Report and it was accepted.

Secretary Robin Matthews read the minutes from the August meeting and they were approved with a motion from Leslie Bush and a second by Milton Bell.

Visitors were: Aubrey Wilson, Lauren Bussiere, Becky Reedy, Steven Jordan, Steven Hood, Stan Bell, and Caitlin Guliher.

Jim Schmidt mentioned the Fort Colorado site that is being monitored by the Audibon Society.

MaryBeth Tomka and Lauren Bussiere discussed the upcoming TARL Fair on October 20th and asked for volunteers. The Fair is from 10am-2pm.

A motion was made by Jim Schmidt to donate $500 to TARL to help with the Fair. This was an increase from the previous commitment of $400. Second by Gene ______. Motion passed with no opposition and one abstention.

Vicki Worsham passed out TvCAS bookmarks.

Drew Sitters, with the Texas Historical Commission, gave an excellent presentation about the little known Jowell Knife, An Historic Caddoan Tool.

There were 27 people present.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.

Submitted by Secretary Robin Matthews