August 17, 2021
The Travis County Archeological Society met via Zoom on August 17, 2021. President Nick Morgan opened the meeting at 7pm. Caitlin Gulihur gave the Treasurer’s report. There were two new or renewed memberships this month, one individual, one sustaining. Robin Matthews made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Bob Warded seconded. The motion carried.
Nick provided updates about various activities TvCAS is involved with. A man from Bastrop County posted on social media about artifacts found on his land. Archeologist Aina Dodge lives close by and knows him. Nick is also in contact to join her for a visit to the property. Nick is planning to get a lab going for artifacts and records from the Joyful Horse excavations. He is waiting for cooler weather and covid transmission to die down. Artifacts are housed in the equipment trailer on Ken Headricks’s property. Nick mentioned that Margaret Melton (TPWD, retired) will be the September speaker. Nick opened the floor to other business or announcements. John Harris asked if anyone had an electronic copy of Lawrence Aten’s Indians of the Upper Texas Coast. Nick suggested posting on the TAS or regional society social media pages.
Dr. Jason Barrett presented a program entitled, "Charting a New Path for Southeast Texas Prehistory: Travel and Trade at Dimond Knoll". President Nick thanked him for an entertaining and extensively researched talk.