August 21, 2018
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7pm. Nick reminded everyone that our new meeting place is Cafe Express on N. Lamar, 3rd Tuesdays, at 7pm.
Rich Denny from the Texas Historical Commission, reported on the Blair Woods Sanctuary which is the location of Cole an Springs and Ft. Colorado. It is already a registered site under the guidance of the Audubon Society. His interest is in getting the TvCAS involved in survey and possible excavation.
Secretary Robin Matthews read the minutes from the July meeting and they were accepted with a motion from Pat Mercado-Allinger and Pat Hatten.
There was no Treasurer’s Report as Jonelle Chapman was not present.
The following guested introduced themselves....Gay Cheatam, May Kelp, and Jim Abbott.
Elliot Richmond moved that President Morgan form a committee to draw up plans for TvCAS involvement with the Blair Woods Sanctuary and contact the Audubon Society. The motion was seconded by Robin Matthews. Motion was approved by a voice vote.
Jim Schmidt announced that there was a Stewards meeting, and reported on the San Felipe Museum was where Archeology 101 was held. Pat Mercado-Allinger added that Sarah Chesney was now the Staff Archeologist at San Felipe.
Nick Morgan gave an update on the Joyful Horse site.
Pat Hatten stated that people could go to the LUAS website for information on the Baker site, which is under active participation by LUAS members.
Vicki Worsham contributed various handouts for members to take.
Chris Ringstaff gave a great presentation on Experimental Archeology featuring methods of flintknapping.
There were 25 people present.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.
Submitted by Secretary Robin Matthews