November 9, 2017
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 6:56pm.
Secretary Robin Matthews read the October minutes and they were approved by a motion from Milton Bell and second by Kathy Richmond.
Treasurer Jonelle Chapman read the Treasurer’s Report which was accepted by a motion from Kathy Grimmett, second by Kathy Richmond. Jonelle reported that she received a letter from UT thanking TvCAS for its donation to Texas Beyond History.
Nick mentioned that he had received a letter from Texas Beyond History also thanking TvCAS. He also mentioned that this was the last opportunity to donate to TAS in the name of May Schmidt, for the Scholarship Fund, Native & Diversity Fund, and College Student Fund.
Nick announced that the Christmas Party will be at the house of Pat Mercado-Allinger on December 10th.
Pat Hatten announced that LUAS will have its Christmas Party on Nov. 9th at the Nightengale Center in Marble Falls.
Kathy Grimmitt announced that the State Parks are having a free camping day on Sunday Nov. 12th.
Jim Schmidt displayed several artifacts he found in his house and asked if anyone could identify them. Kay Killen suggested putting pictures of them on Facebook.
Craig Meyer made an excellent presentation titled “The Norse Vikings Settlement of Scotland.”
There were 31 people present. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Submitted by: Secretary Robin Matthews