December 28, 2020 Board Meeting
The Board of the Travis County Archeological Society (TvCAS) met via Zoom. Members in attendance were President Nick Morgan, Vice-President Chris Lintz, Treasurer Caitlin Gulihur, At-Large Member Ken Headrick, and Communications Chair Leslie Bush.
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. He announced that all current Board members have agreed to continue in their present capacities, although the current Secretary would prefer to step down if a replacement can be found. Leslie noted that the Communications Chair duties can be split among two or more people if there are members who would like to participate in TvCAS leadership but can't take on a full Board role.
Nick asked for discussion of how best to communicate with members about additional nominations to the Board and payment of 2021 dues. It was agreed that Facebook should not be the only method of communication. Announcements will be sent via the Mail Chimp email list and made during the business portion of meetings.
Nick asked Treasurer Caitlin Gulihur for a review of electronic methods to pay membership dues. Caitlin's previous research found that Venmo is not set up for non-profit organizations like TvCAS. PayPal does create accounts for non-profits, but the process isn't as simple as for personal accounts.
Nick announced that the Joyful Horse excavations are complete and labwork is underway. There is a nice lab space in Bastrop County that can be used when indoor group meetings are appropriate again. Leslie inquired about a budget for laboratory supplies such as the 4 mil bags and acid-free labels that are necessary for acceptance at many curation facilities. Nick replied that he has been personally funding the labwork. Chris Lintz volunteered to analyze the ceramics from the site on a pro bono basis. Leslie volunteered to identify any archeological plant material on the same terms.
Vice-President Chris Lintz reminded the group that he and two other TvCAS members are the instructors for the Texas Archeological Society Ceramics Academy that will be held February 20-21, 2021 over Zoom. Participants in the Academy will receive a 150-page book geared specifically to Texas ceramics, a magnifying loop, unprovenienced prehistoric sherds from Texas and the southwest for examination, and clay for manufacturing their own ceramic vessels. A reminder about the Academy will be included in the announcements at the next TvCAS business meeting.
Nick noted that in a typical year TvCAS makes monetary contributions to Texas archeological organizations and events such as the TARL Archeology Fair, Texas Beyond History, and TAS scholarship funds. He asked about other organizations we might consider donating to. Chris suggested Shumla as a worthy organization. Donations will be discussed in the next TvCAS business meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Bush