April 13, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Vicky Worsham.
Vicky reminded everyone that dues are due and Treasurer Jonelle Chapman has membership forms available.
Robin Matthews announced that there is a card being passed around to be signed for Milton Bell to wish him a speedy recovery.
Jonelle Chapman gave the Treasurer’s Report and it was accepted as read.
Robin Matthews read the Minutes from the March meeting as Secretary Nick Morgan was in the Grand Canyon!
President Worsham announced that May and Jim Schmidt and Bob Ward staffed a booth at the Boy Scout Jamboree on April 1st.
May announced that there will be a flint knapping event at TARL on April 29 and attendees can learn how to knap. She also announced that there will be a book sale, also at TARL, on May 1-3 beginning at 8am.
Vicky announced that ten members attended the field trip to the Witte Museum on March 18th.
Ron Ralph announced that on April 22nd volunteers are needed to take down the metal structure at the Gault Site.
Pat Hatten announced that LUAS (Llano Uplift Archeological Society) is working on plans to develop activities at the Nightengale Center in Marble Falls because the facility is underutilized. There is interest in offering more teacher workshops, activities for youth as well as the general public.
Three new members were recognized: Jane Payne, Kay Killen, and Joe Jones.
The Nominations Committee presented the slate of officers for approval by the membership present. The slate was approved by a voice vote. The 2017 officers are: President…Nick Morgan; Vice-President…Doris Hill; Secretary…Robin Matthews; Treasurer…Jonelle Chapman; Member-At- Large…Ken Headrick.
President Worsham introduced Mary Black who presented a spirited overview and slide show of her new book “From Frio to Del Rio”. President Worsham then introduced Margie Crisp to discuss her book “River Of Contrasts”. Inspite of video issues, Margie gave a totally interesting and vivid description of her book, beautifully illustrated by her husband.
Ron Ralph presented a great slide show showing what to expect at this year’s Field School at Camp Wood-Barksdale. He mentioned that there will be 82 two meter squares set up to excavate the Mission site, Fort Wood site, and that the youth group will be working in the same area as the main adult unit. Shade will be provided by the large tarp from the Gault Site. He mentioned that the tenting area will be by the Nueces River and that safety precautions are being made should the river rise. Archeolympics, registration area, food trailer area, were discussed and that the high school showers would be available for TAS members.
There were 21 people present. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33pm.
Submitted by: Robin Matthews for Secretary Nick Morgan.