October 20, 2020
President Nick Morgan called the meeting of the Travis County Archeological Society to order at 7pm on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 via Zoom.
Nick read the minutes from the September meeting. Ron Ralph made the motion to approve the minutes. Leslie Bush seconded. The minutes were approved.
There was no Treasurer’s report.
Bob Ward mentioned the Zimmerman Cabin in Clarksville. They are renovating the house, making a mini-museum on the property. He asked for anyone interested in helping to contact him.
Nick commended Leslie's work on the TvCAS web site. There were no new announcements from the floor. Nick announced that the Nov 17 2020 program would be by Beryl Hughes. She will discuss the Alibates flint quarries.
Nick asked before the presentation if anyone had questions for the speakers they should enter the them in the chat box and questions would be addressed at the end of the program. Nick introduced the speakers Ron Ralph, Reign Clark, and Catrina Whitley, who gave the presentation “Back to Bondage,” about the Old Imperial Sugar property on the Fort Bend School District property.
There were 30 connections to the Zoom meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Imogene Mitcham