March 15, 2022
Meeting convened at 7:00 PM
Number of people in attendance: 18
Nick Morgan read the minutes from the February meeting via Zoom. Motion to accept minutes was proposed by Robin and seconded by Lori Decker. Minutes were accepted unanimously by members. No treasurer’s report was given.
Nick reported that he checked with other societies about credit card payments for member dues. HAS uses Square, TAS uses Wild Apricot. Nick pointed out that the monthly fees to use such services would eat up a considerable portion of our income. The search for a resolution will continue.
Nick asked for comments on the budget, but proposed to postpone the vote for approval due to low attendance. Vote will be postponed to the April meeting.
In-person meetings were discussed and Nick asked for comments. We currently lack a place to meet. An outdoor venue where people can spread out was proposed. Santa Rita is too small and crowded for our needs.
Embassy Suites in San Marcos and the Westin in North San Antonio were proposed for meeting locations for the 2023 TAS Annual Meeting. Nick detailed how expensive and difficult it is to find places that are affordable to book, including scheduling issues with the venues. Once the venue is found we will need people to fill responsibilities associated with the annual meeting.
The speaker for next month is Mary Jo Galindo, speaking about a TXDOT project about the tribal histories of 11 Texas tribes.
Tonight’s speaker was Marybeth Tomka at 7:18 PM. Her presentation was “What happens after the dirt: the continuing lifecycle of artifacts and records in a repository.”
Presentation concluded at 8:02 PM. Meeting concluded at 8:04 PM.