May 21, 2024
The meeting started at 7:01 PM. Attendance in person was 23.
Caitlin gave the Treasurer's report. There is $12,306.62 in our checking account with membership dues added. There is $44 petty cash. The Treasurer's report was accepted by all.
Heather read the April minutes, which were accepted by all.
Ken asked about having the trailer upgraded for the dig. Nick mentioned we would talk about this in a Board meeting online.
Nick reminded everyone that there will not be a meeting next month due to field school. He also mentioned that field school attendance prices go up on the May 23rd.
Concerning the Collins Farmstead project, Nick mentioned that he meeted with Dr. Collins and Lauren Bussier from TARL. It can't be added on the previous excavation project. It will have to have its own separate dig. Karen said that they will pay for the curation of any artifacts from the site.
Tonight's speaker was Heather Leonard speaking about her masters dissertation, entitled 'Their Memory Hallowed in the Land They Loved:' Revealing Island Identities through Monumentality and GIS Mapping .'
The meeting ended at 8:35.