July 20, 2021

The Travis County Archeological Society met on July 20, 2021 via zoom at 7pm. President Nick Morgan welcomed everyone. Secretary Imogene Mitcham read the minutes of May 18, 2021 meting. Robin Matthews made the motion to accept, and Tom Middlebrook seconded. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer’s report was given by Caitlin Gulihur. Robin Matthews made the motion to accept the report as read, and Pat Mercado-Allinger seconded.


Nick mentioned all board member have agreed to host the Texas Archeological Society (TAS) annual meeting coming up in 2023. He sent a formal request to host to TAS. He has not heard back from them. He has talked to several people about helping out at the meeting. He sent a request for help with the arrangements for the meeting, and several people have responded. He named several area people. Nick also got in contact with Carolyn Spock for advice, which she didn’t have at this stage. He mentioned Embassy Suites in San Marcos where the 2013 TAS meeting was held. Has talked to an event planer. They suggested holding the meeting at a convention center and getting a block of rooms at a nearby hotel. They also suggested looking at other towns like Waco or Temple. Temple has convention center but not enough hotels. The date would be around October or November of 2023.  We will try Embassy Suites first.


Nick asked for any other announcements, and there were none. The program was an interesting slide show on the TAS Field School in Kerrville, Texas in June 2021. Slides were presented by Nick from Elliot, Nick, Robin and Ann, and Peter. After the slide show of some great pictures, Ron Ralph did a presentation of a historical slide show on the schoolhouse and dance hall that once stood on the grounds.


Discussion was brought up about possibly meeting at a restaurant again starting next month. The group decided to take it one step at time. With no other business from the floor, Nick adjourned the meeting at 8:07pm. There were 14 in attendance.


Respectfully submitted,

Imogene Mitcham