November 17, 2020
The meeting of the Travis County Archeological Society was called to order at 7pm on Tuesday, November 17 2020. President Nick Morgan welcomed everybody to the meeting.
Secretary Imogene Mitcham read the minutes. Elliot Richmond made the motion to approve the minutes, and Robin Matthews seconded. Treasurer Caitlin Gulihur read the Treasurer's Report. She reminded everybody that dues for the upcoming calendar year are coming due.
Nick mentioned that TvCAS has one key to our post office box. He visited the box today and found that seven people had sent dues.
Ron Ralph discussed TxDOT's request for comments under Section 106 regarding the development of a trail by the Turnback Canyon Trail Conservancy. He is not aware of any comments that have been made from our members.
Bob Ward and Rich Denny visited the Zimmerman House and report that things are currently on track with that project.
There were no new announcements. Nick brought up the December get-together, and it was discussed. Because of the pandemic we will not have a get-together this year.
Nick calculates that we ought to host the Texas Archeological Society Annual Meeting in 2023. The Llano Uplift (Kingsland) and Central Texas (Waco) groups would like to join us and be involved. The finances should work out if we involve the other chapters. Nick said he would find a location in Austin or a smaller town.
Our next meeting will be January 19, 2021. Lelia Character will speaking on using remotely sensed imagery to find the location of archaeological features.
Beryl Cain Hughes presented a program on the program on Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument.
25 people joined via Zoom. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34pm.