July 12, 2018
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Secretary Robin Matthews read the minutes from May 2018 meeting which were approved by a motion from Kathy Richmond with 2nd by Vicki Worsham.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Jonelle Chapman and approved by a motion from Leslie Bush and 2nd by Elliott Richmond.
Robin announced that the Scholarship Committee will be meeting to begin work on a description of the Scholarship Program and application process. The purpose of the Scholarship plan is to encourage teachers to attend Field School. Robin stated that he will be giving the Committee members copies of the Tarrant Co. Archeological Society’s Scholarship Requirements as a model to examine.
Vickie asked if this would affect TvCAS’s donation amounts to the various TAS Scholarship programs and Robin said that it would not. Elliot added that this would be administered by TvCAS and not related to TAS.
Elliot asked if the plan could include Annual Meeting and there was discussion about this and it was agreed to decide this later after the Committee gets a framework in place. There was no opposition to this but it was mentioned that Annual Meeting does occur during the school year and teachers may have a more difficult time in attending rather than at Field School.
President Morgan then announced that the TvCAS Board had decided to begin meeting at Café Express on North Lamar and this will begin with the August meeting. Members were encouraged to look online at the menu. Nick mentioned that there will be a $50.00 charge for two hours for the meeting room and that members attending meetings will be asked to chip in $3.00 each to cover the cost of the room and the speaker’s meal. He added that there would not be the 20% gratuity as is required at our present meeting place. Nick also announced that there will be new meeting dates….the First Tuesday of each month.
The following guests introduced themselves: Melissa Kirkendall, Lori Decker and daughter Liberty, Karen Moritz, and Travis Ward.
The program for the evening was the showing of pictures and video from Field School. Robin Matthews, Ron Ralph, Travis Ward, and Heather Leonard showed pictures from Field School and Nick Morgan showed videos.
There were 26 people at the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.
Submitted by Secretary Robin Matthews