January 18, 2022

Officer elections were held for the coming year. Incumbent president Nick Morgan, Vice President Chris Lintz, Treasurer Caitlin Gilhur, Communications Committee Leslie Bush, Board Member at Large Ken Hedrick were elected. Heather Leonard was nominated and confirmed to replace Imogene Mitchum as Secretary. 

Doug Boyd gave details for a January 20th walking tour of Buffalo Bayou given by the Houston Archaeological Society. January 22 at Caddo Mounds is a kick-off for the rebuilding of the Caddo grass house. The Burial Rock trip has been rescheduled for a to-be-determined future date.

Becky Shelton gave an update on the rehabilitation lab work of the 1996 field school. She appealed for volunteer lab workers.

Nick Morgan gave an update on processing artifacts for the Joyful Horse site and put out a call for volunteers. He also asked for 2 volunteers for the upcoming TAS Academy at TARL in April. Nick asked for volunteers for the Arrangements Committee for the 2023 TAS Annual Meeting, which TvCAS is hosting. 

The next meeting is February 15th and the speaker is Cristin Embree speaking about "Archeological Investigations at the Williams-Buck Site (41WM272), A Mid-1800s to Early 1900s Settlement in Williamson County, Texas." 

Tonight's speaker is Leslie Bush, giving a presentation on "A History of Caddo Agriculture in East Texas to 1730 CE."

The Treasurer's report and minutes will be read at the next meeting due to Caitlin's (treasurer's) absence and the switch in secretaries. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Heather Leonard