September 17, 2019
President Nick Morgan called the meeting to order at 6:55pm.
No past meeting minutes were read due to the Secretary being out sick. President Nick read the Treasurer’s Report. Peter van Bevel moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Heather Leonard seconded. Approval was unanimous on a voice vote.
Nick Morgan reminded members of the TARL Archeology Fair, October 5, 10am-2pm on the J. J. Pickle Research Campus. Several members indicated they planned to volunteer for the event.
Nick announced that Vice President Doris Hill is in a medical facility undergoing dialysis treatments. Sympathies and well wishes were extended.
Ron Ralph announced that his daughter’s project, Loving Libbie’s Famous Mac & Cheese, is now available in the freezer section at HEB. All proceeds go to the Loving Libbie Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to providing food to children with cancer in clinics and hospitals throughout Texas. Libbie was Becky’s daughter and Ron’s granddaughter who passed away from leukemia at age 5.
Steve Davis asked for volunteers for the San Felipe Ceramics project, in which volunteers look for whole, antique ceramic vessels for sale on the internet that match pictures of ceramic sherds recovered at San Felipe de Austin. The project seeks to acquire a collection to show museum visitors exactly what the dishes and serving ware in use at the site would have looked like. Volunteers may contact Steve Davis at
Ken Headrick recently inherited a collection of modern knapped stone tools. Members were encouraged to examine the collection on display at the front of the meeting room.
Nick reminded everyone to pay their dinner checks before leaving. He mentioned that tonight’s waitress, Beth, has been instructed to distribute bills and collect payment during the program so that everyone might leave when the meeting is over.
The business meeting adjourned at 7:07pm.
The program by Sergio Ayala, “An Experimentally Supported Review of the Oldest Bifaces at the Gault site (41BL323), circa > 16,000 Years Ago cal BP” was well received and finished at 8:27pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Bush