August 20, 2024

The meeting began at 6:53 PM.

The number of people in attendance was 36. 

Caitlin gave the Treasurer's Report. The checking account balance as of 7/16 was $12,349.11. We made a $500 donation to Shumla and a $500 to Texas Beyond History. Our current total in the checking account is $11,349.11. The hat was passed tonight to replenish the petty cash fund. In our CD there is $5,231.35. Caitlin announced that we have renewed our TAS membership but the $55 check was pending as of last night. A few more dues that were sent in need to be deposited as of last night. The Treasurer's Report was accepted by all members. 

Heather read the July minutes and they were accepted by all.

Nick reminded us that the TAS Annual Meeting is the last weekend in October in Victoria and that you can register online. There are three different hotels with a block of rooms reserved. He also reminded us of the dig in October at the Hancock-Moore Site. Everything should be worked out by the beginning of next month. 

Jim announced that he has decided to retire from being regional director for Region 9 of TAS and asked for volunteers to take over his position. He also mentioned there are opportunities to dig 2 or 3 times a month with LUAS (Llano Uplift Archeological Society) at San Saba. 

This month's speaker was John Lohse with Terracon and Gault School of Archaeological Research. His presentation was called “The Terminal Pleistocene and "Settling In" in Belize.” It included insights from recent excavations at August Pine Ridge, Belize, Central America.  More information about the project is available through the Gault School.

Next month's speaker is to be determined.  

The meeting concluded at 8:25 PM.