February 20, 2024
The meeting commenced at 7:01 PM, led by President Nick Morgan.
There are no meeting minutes from October through January due to Heather Leonard not being present in October or November due to commitments and travel. There was not an official meeting in December. January 2024 was canceled due to poor weather.
Number of people in attendance in person was 31. There were 11 people present online in Zoom.
Nick passed the hat asking for donations for petty cash due to funds being low.
Caitlin gave the treasurer's report tonight. There was $9,367.20 in our checking account in November. We have had 6 deposits entered for membership dues. The current balance is $9,893.83. There is $11 in petty cash, before the hat was passed tonight. There is $5,230.83 in our CD account. Caitlin reminded us that we can pay online and it made a big difference in our online enrollment. Taxes have been done this year. The motion to accept the Treasurer's report was accepted by all present.
Nick reported that we made $7,000 and some odd dollars after TAS took their cut from the Annual Meeting. After scholarships, we received $2,100 and some odd money for the Annual Meeting. Nick thanked everyone who helped out and for everyone who came. Nick shared the 2024 Annual Budget with us. Nick decided to hold off on a vote to accept the budget because it's incomplete and he wants people to think about it first.
Nick asked for nominations for officers since it's time. Nick told us we need a new vice-president. He asked for people to email him if interested. Pat passed away recently and Nick mentioned that there will be a memorial at some time in May at Hole-in-the-Wall. Details will be forthcoming.
About the annual budget, Caitlin suggested we increase our contribution to Texas Beyond History from $250 to $500. Nick asked to add it to the proposed budget to be voted on at the next meeting.
The speaker tonight was Douglas K. Boyd, Plains Archeological Research, Texas Archeological Society, and Senior Archeologist, Santec, Inc. Doug's presentation was entitled "The Little Sunday Site and the Nighthawk Bison Jump: New Data on the Late Archaic Bison Hunters of the Texas Panhandle and Western Oklahoma."
Doug mentioned that there will be digging at the Nighthawk Bison Jump Archaeological Project March through May and said they are accepting volunteers. Nick mentioned it will be on the website.
The meeting concluded at: 8:25.