January 15, 2019

The meeting was called to order at Santa Rita Cantina at 26 Doors at 7pm by President Nick Morgan.

Jonelle Chapman gave the Treasurer’s report and was happy to report that she had moved the CD to get a better interest rate..

Secretary Robin Matthews read the minutes from the November meeting and they were approved with a motion by Doris Hill and a Second by Pat Mercado Allinger.

Happy birthday was sung for Milton Bell.

Pat Mercado Allinger mentioned that there was an art exhibit at the Bullock Museum featuring the Caddo Culture. The exhibit runs from January 24 through March 24th.

Pat Hatten announced that LUAS (Llano Uplift Archeological Society) is having its Archeology Fair on March 23rd.

Robin thanked everyone for bringing tapes and trowels that he and Ann would be using with a multi-day archeological activity at a private school in north Austin. He also made available free posters titled “First Texans” which features paleo projectile points found in Texas.

Ron Ralph gave a presentation about the upcoming Field School to bel held in Palo Duro Canyon. He emphasized that ther entire park will be closed for this TAS Field School. However, the play “Texas” will be open nightly to the public. Several people stated that this was the best outdoor play they have ever seen.

There were 40 people in attendance.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm


Robin Matthews, outgoing Secretary