January 21, 2020 Board Meeting
Present: Nick Moran, Imagene Mitcham, Ken Headrick, Chris Lintz, Caitlin Gulihur, Leslie Bush
The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm by President Nick Morgan.
Nick expressed gratitude to Doris Hill for her service as Vice President and Vicky Worsham for her service as Secretary. New officers are expected to fill these positions for 2020.
Nick described his visit to a possible meeting location near Lamar Blvd and Barton Springs Rd. The venue is larger than our current one and is available to nonprofits. Food choices are limited, and there would be some foot traffic through or near the meeting room. Nick asked for discussion about this venue versus our current location. A consensus emerged that noise would be a problem at both venues. The more central location and better food and beverage choices make the current location superior at this time. We should keep the alternate location in mind for speakers who are likely to draw particularly large crowds, however.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Bush