March 9, 2017
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The meeting was called to order by President Vicky Worsham at 7:00pm. Vicky reminded everyone that dues for this year are due.
Jonelle Chapman gave the Treasurer’s Report and it was accepted as read.
Leslie Bush read the minutes from last meeting as Secretary Nick Morgan was not able to attend. The minutes were accepted with a motion by Kathy Grimmett and seconded by Elliot Richmond.
Leslie reminded everyone of the Field Trip to the Witte Museum on March 18th and said that members wanting more information should contact her.
Leslie added that there is a Cub Scout Jamboree on April 1st and that TvCAS has a booth. Those wanting to help should contact May Schmidt.
Robin Matthews reported that he and Ann had a wonderful experience with a Boy Scout group from Pflugerville. Robin and Ann introduced the Scouts to archeology with several hands on experiences, throwing atlatl darts, rabbit sticks, setting up an excavation pit, artifact identification, seeing the Gault DVD, and seeing slides from the TAS Lower Pecos Canyonlands Academy. A wrap up session will be held in late March or early April that will complete the requirements for the Archeological Merit Badge. Fourteen scouts were involved.
President Worsham asked for volunteers to form a Nominating Committee to produce a slate of officers for the remainder of the year. Robin Matthews and Milton Bell volunteered to be on the Committee. This was approved by a voice vote of the membership present.
Dan Prikryl; reported on his research of a site on LCRA property and his goal of getting C-14 dating for the charcoal from the site that has been at TARL for a long time. He stated that TAS has agreed to fund some of this. Vicky added that TvCAS would be willing to help as needed. Dan said that this might be used to help with some faunal remains.
Ron Ralph gave a report on Field School which will be held at Camp Wood, June 10-16. He added that on March 18th help is needed to dismantle the structural framework of the cover that has been at the Gault site. Volunteers should get in touch with Ron.
Elliot Richmond moved that TvCAS replace all the AV equipment, projector, computer, speakers, etc. at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. The motion was seconded by Ron Ralph. Discussion followed, the motion was approved.
Karen Fustes introduced Terry Sherrell as a new member. Terry oversaw the printing the TAS Newsletter and Bulletin for over twenty years.
Leslie Bush introduced Dr. Jim Tiller, Geography professor at Sam Houston State. He spoke enthusiastically about a site that is “lost” called Bull Hill in east Texas and challenged archeologists to find it!!!
There were 23 in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.
Submitted by Robin Matthews as Secretary Nick Morgan was unable to attend.