November 19 Meeting Minutes

The meeting began at 7 PM.

The number of people in attendance was 19.

Heather read the October meeting minutes and last night's Board meeting minutes, both of which were accepted by all.

Caitlin gave the Treasurer's Report. There is $11,224.87 in the checking account and $5,231.66 in the CD. Petty cash balance is $104. Treasurer's Report was accepted by all.

Nick Morgan thanked everyone who participated in the Moore-Hancock Dig last month. He mentioned that we need to process the artifacts. Nick proposed January 11 for a date to do so. 

Nick mention that there will be some shuffling next year with officer positions. Caitlin has volunteered to continue as Treasurer. Leslie Bush is changing her title to Program Director and is going to schedule future speakers. Lori Decker will be in charge of communications. Ken is currently in the hospital. Heather is moving to Scotland and we will need a new secretary to take over her position.

Nick said Pat has volunteered to host the Christmas party, with the date to be determined. Pat suggested the 7th or the 14th. The group voted on December 14.  

Tonight's speaker was Bob Ward, speaking about Archeological Investigations at Amisfield Tower and the John Paul Jones Birthplace, Scotland.

Meeting concluded at: 7:54 PM.