October 22, 2024

The meeting started at 7:01 PM

The number in attendance: was 21.

Heather read the minutes for September. Meeting minutes were accepted by all. 

Caitlin was not present. Nick told us that there have been no transactions this month, so the balances in all our accounts is the same. The Treasurer's Report was accepted by all.

We talked about the Moore-Hancock Open House on Friday. Connally High School is not coming in the morning as they could not get permission. There will be an afternoon school group from 1-3 from ACC. Setup for units and lab will happen on Thursday as well as Friday morning to finish up. Nick Morgan passed around a roster for the dig for people to confirm for either Thursday, Friday, or Saturday based on last month's sign up sheet or to add names. Assignments will happen on site based on the number of people who show up on the various dates. Nick told us about a few Facebook pages that he announced the dig on and encouraged to visit the pages and like to promote them. 

Tonight's speaker was unable to present due to technical difficulties with the projector at Casa Chapala. He will be rescheduled for a later date this winter. 

Instead, members introduced themselves and talked about any recent projects they've been working on. 

Meeting concluded at: 7:31 PM.